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Today I had the chance to go with my girls class on their very first field trip to The Bill Mason Centre (an Environmental and Outdoor Eduation Centre)… 

Now, first off, both myself and their dad wanted to go on this trip.  Since we were only allowed one parent, I won out because this field trip was in my area of expertise – Outdoor education! I couldn’t have been more excited for the kids because learning in the outdoor environment is such a great way to engage kids and introduce them to nature and its many awesome features. 

The weather was perfect for the day.  It had been freezing rain and yucky out a few days before, but it had warmed up, the ground was all muddy and the air had a distinct smell of spring.  Ya know, the kind that smells like poop?!  The sun was even teasing us and poking out every so often to say hi!  Upon arrival, you could hear the birds rejoicing in the nice weather, they are ready to get their groove on!


One of my FAVE things to do with my 5 year-old twins is an outdoor scavenger hunt – and this is so simple it lends itself perfectly to the simplicity and lessons of nature. Check it out at the bottom of this post!

Erica Love

Outdoor & Environmental Education Curator, TrainingLife

We head out into nature and begin exploring.  Over a boardwalk we see an old beaver damn, we stomp through flooded parts of the bridge and I over hear one little girl say, “Eeeew!  I hate mud!”  I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around to say. ‘”Why do you hate mud?”  She responded that it was ‘gross and sticky’.  I helped her through the muddy flooded bridge section and then I pointed out another beaver damn and all the mud that went into making the walls of their home stick together.  

I now had 8 kids who came to check this out and the little girl who was grossed out by mud proceeded to say, “Mud is so cool!  Its kinda like glue!”

Ahh the forever changing minds of 5 year old children.  She had one opinion not just 2 minutes ago and a completely different appreciation the next. 

Mind blown! 

Job well done Beavers 🙂

This is what I love about nature.  

Its simple beauty and squishy mud can make for some super fun adventures.  It doesn’t have to be hard, just strap on some shoes/boots and go out for a walk.  See what lives around your neighbourhood and where the many paths might lead you.

( If you need a tool to get family members outside and walking, click below to access my free scavenger list to add some extra fun to your walk. )

We need to create a shift within ourselves and our families and begin to put a focus on the value of being outside and the many benefits it has for everyone. Try to access your natural environment often enough to truly gain a love and appreciation for what it is.

Back to the forest and head count of 26 kids later, I hear nothing but laughter and screeches of pure joy.  We feed chickadees out of our hands, we play a fun bird game and do some identification with magnify glasses.  Not once did I hear a comment about being hungry!  The kids were in their natural element and soaking it in.  We did feed the kids of course, and after lunch they were stoked to get back outside for another adventure walk before heading back to school.

At the end of the walk I over heard one of the volunteer mothers say to her daughter “I bet you’re going to have a great sleep tonight after all this fresh air!”

Thats it folks!

You figured out the trick.  

In order to get your kids to have a great sleep, fresh air is key!

So get outside, replenish your oxygen cells, and do it daily.  I promise you won’t regret it and you might just find out that its therapeutic for you too

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