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A radically different 28 days of fitness, nutrition, and de-stressing experiences just for moms.

It's true. Your training does need to be specific.

Mom.. You’re busy, you’re frustrated, sometimes you pee when you laugh too hard, and restrictive dieting and hours in a gym only sky-rocket your already-high stress level.

We get it. We’ve been there.

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t feel amazing in your own skin, does it? And with moms? There’s a really specific road to success.

What we mean by ‘specific’.

Has anyone ever asked you how your body FEELS when you move?

What muscles you feel working? If you have aches and pains? If you have recurring issues like “mummy tummy”, split abs, or pelvic pain? If you understand how having a child changes your body?

Has anyone explained to you why women tend to carry extra fat in their hips and thighs and exactly how to tone them the way you’d like? (hint: it’s not about ‘thigh masters’ or cardio at all!)

Without giving you the tools to navigate stress, anxiety, depression, digestion, sleep, your environment, and your support, it’s really hard – both physically and mentally – to truly change the way you look and feel..

Has anyone ever said they would really help YOU to figure out your body’s puzzle and help you to train RIGHT from the start?

Most programs offer you workouts, a meal plan, and some great recipes.

But what happens when you are squatting and all you feel are sore knees? When you’re doing burpees and peeing a little each time you jump? When you finally switch from toast to eggs in the morning but your stomach is bloated all the time?

But mostly mom, what happens when the kids are making you insane, the housework is overwhelming, you forgot to take something out for dinner, and you’re fighting to keep remembering, “It’s gonna get better.”

Dedicated Coaches


percent satisfaction

degree mindset shift

Hi, I’m Krista. And I’ve been there.

After my first child, I trained REALLY hard in a gym to get my body back – I trained with a coach who did NOT know how to train postpartum women.

Yes, I toned up – I lost the ‘softness’ of pregnancy.

But I also “split” my lower abs and pubic bone (technically called a diastasis) and had no control of accidental peeing when I sneezed, laughed too hard, or – yes,  I’ll say it – had sex.

Not awesome.

After four months of bed rest and child number two?

I couldn’t walk or stand for more than 10 minutes without significant low back pain, and even though I tried desperately to get into shape so that I could play soccer (i.e. get out of the house every week consistently!), the imbalances in my body caused not only pain, but eventually two massively sprained ankles.

But I had no TIME, no freedom to go to therapy every week, no logistical way to HEAL.

And more than that? Most of us are not given the right tools to know HOW.

Making a change felt impossible.

I know you want to feel good, to feel fit, to enjoy your kids, to raise a healthy family, to manage your stress, and to figure out how to do it all when there seems like there’s no time for anything.

Well.. There’s good news momma.












Pre/Postnatal Corrective Exercise Specialist, Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach, Personal Trainer Specialist, Mom of 2


Change is INCREDIBLY possible. Here's exactly how I do it:

Sometimes we get a head of ourselves and think we need to be perfect tomorrow.


You just need to get yourself unstuck from the level you are currently at, and get yourself bumped up ONE level.

One level from point A to B. Then you’ll be ready for the next level. And the next..

Here’s what a REAL transformation looks like:

Day 1 : you're struggling

Day 28 : you're thriving


You survive through little “processes” – how you move, how you eat, how you deal with stress – and once you understand that these processes are LEARNED (which muscles are causing you pain, how you were always told to clean your plate, why you default to yelling, or where your ‘comforts’ and ‘traditions’ stem from) it’s much easier to understand you can learn new ones.

We coach you through this in three ways:

Climb The Right Mountain

The way you look and feel is a result of many different processes happening within your body.

Before we even start the 28 days, I’m going to teach you how to turn ON your core and your glutes to minimize pain and maximize your results, as well as immediate ways to reduce your stress, better your digestion, and improve your rest so you have a clear understanding of what you need to prioritize to get the results you want – you will know you are ‘climbing the right mountain’.

Your Unique Solution

Once you understand what your biggest challenges are, you’ll be able to use the ideas we give you to have a really clear roadmap to success!

  • choose workouts right for you: postnatal, beginner, intermediate
  • get inspired with recipes and meal plans
  • learn all about stress, digestion, recovery, meal prep, cooking, shopping, and more!
  • experience exactly how to recover from pain, split abs, incontinence, and more!

Plan To Leverage Your Time

You’re busy mom.

Learn exactly what to prioritize and how to incorporate quick workouts and easy meal prep to feel amazing in the simplest way possible!

  • Quick workouts
  • Nutrition so simple you’ll wonder if it works!
  • 24/7 coaching, online forum, and guidance to answer your questions!



We all learn best by DOING. There are certain skills we need to develop in order to have lasting change momma..

Physical, mental, emotional – a lot needs to be experienced and we take you through this step-by-step.

Attracting What You Want

You don’t live in a vacuum! There are a lot of factors at play that determine the course of your day.

But YOU control your responses.

Learn to go from scared or unsure to having some major first successes!

Plan Bs: The Opportunity Mindset

Things are NOT going to always go as planned.

And we LOVE it.

Get away from the idea of ‘perfect’ and hop on board the Plan B train!

  • Plan B workouts (when your scheduled workout just can’t happen!)
  • What’s the best choice when the food choices aren’t great?
  • Learn to celebrate adversity to stop leaking your energy and start feeling great through your airtight conviction!


Inevitably, everyone wonders if they truly have what it takes to get exactly what they want.


We know YOU do.

Part of ensuring you’ll be successful long-term is helping you to understand the investment you’re taking in your health and that of your family.

Little reminders about just how worth it you are.


We want you feeling great, loving life, and havin’ a blast on this journey – not just for 28 days!

To us, it’s not just about dress sizes and grocery lists, we strive for a life-changing experience that you will be able to pull from forever momma!

A "New Normal"

There’s a lot of noise out there momma..

Telling you WHAT TO DO.

We think you should slow down, listen, and learn about the things that don’t make you feel good, and the things that you really love.

The things you don’t like?

Stop doing them.

The things you love?

Do MORE of that!

It’s ok to unapologetically have a NEW family NORMAL that means healthier, happier people.


To truly change your habits take some real dedicated effort and it also takes TIME.

Eventually, these skills will be ones you tap into on demand.

Success though momma, is a mindset. And one we are really good at supporting you through.


Our main goal is to get our mommas UNSTUCK from the level they start at.

More than that..

We want you fired up and ready to conquer the NEXT level.

There’s always an A to B.

We help you to create your perfect ROADMAP.

Go from thinking your goals are impossible and way too complex to wanting to CRUSH something you can’t even imagine right now – and feeling like it’ll be simple.

Day 1 : you're struggling

Get to know exactly why you feel (and also look!) the way you do with our assessment and foundational training so you know the exact program that will be right for you!
Coach Krista


Life-Changing Assessment

Do you feel your squats, bends, lunges, or twists in the RIGHT place?

Design Your Body!

Activate your glutes and core with this simple technique!

Pick Your Program

Choose the adventure that is right for you: postnatal, beginner, or intermediate!
You’ll be pleasantly surprised that the skills you need to learn to be successful have nothing to do with calories or endless workouts!
Coach Tracey

Step 2: SKILLS

Sweat & Eat!

Super-quick, mom-friendly workouts, EASY nutrition, and a PUMPED up community make taking action simple!

Plan Bs

When you’ve got a back-pocket plan for getting in great workouts and nutrition, every challenge can become an opportunity.

Eyes On The Prize

This isn’t about 28 days, it’s about your desire to feel amazing long-term – something we’re great at helping you explore!
You are going to find this process so simple – you’ll wonder how it works! Best part is – you are going to LOVE keeping it up!
Coach Krista


A New Normal!

Go from fearing failure to feeling confident in your purpose! Just wait until you experience your NEW normal!


We teach you exactly WHY we ask you to take each step of this transformation, and show you how to put this skills to use – consistency means having Skills On Demand!


We are going to take you REALLY far in this transformation – AND we’re going to coach you how take your dreams even further.

Day 28 : you're thriving!

Our 28 Day Program Options & Features

The 28 Day Transformation for Busy Moms is designed for three different levels: recently postnatal moms (you’ll need resistance bands), moms who are new to training (no equipment required!), or more advanced moms who need a fire lit (you’ll need dumbbells and resistance bands!)!


Features Highlight

The challenge is packed with great workouts, simple nutrition, an amazing membership site, a convenient app, and a fabulous global community.


1. I have NO time, how will I fit this in?

Our program is designed specifically for this – not only are the workouts short and the nutrition super easy, we also teach you how to tone your stomach at any point during the day, help you to move more in general, and guide you to be able to prioritize your health without feeling guilt.

2. When should I sign up?

Our challenges start on the 1st and 15th of every month. We encourage you to sign up early because even before the challenge starts, we provide some life-changing Foundational Training on our website that will 10x your success in the challenge. It’s good to give yourself a couple of days to complete it. One day before your challenge begins, you’ll be invited to choose which level of programming you’d like to participate in (postnatal, beginner, or intermediate), and you’ll download the app to get started.

3. I’ll be working out at home, what equipment will I need?

The postnatal program requires 1-2 resistance bands, a stability ball (optional), and mini-bands (optional). The beginner program does not require equipment. The intermediate program requires dumbbells, 1-2 resistance bands, a stability ball (optional), and mini-bands (optional).



I coach with someone who inspires me.

We all bring something different to the table because we have different reasons for learning or come from different experiences.

TrainingLife Head Coach Tracey Primeau is a master at making FIT fit in. She knows just how much making things simple and having support mean to finding YOUR balance and being happy momma..

She’ll take all that overwhelming ‘stuff’ and break it down into manageable (and yummy!) pieces.

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