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When you go to a dinner, or a girls’ night, or a family celebration or bbq, or any place really where the opportunity to eat something you haven’t cooked yourself pops up – it feels really awesome to just eat whatever puff pastry or chips and dip or pasta salad they have right? It feels awesome because you haven’t offended anyone by not eating it? THAT would be the last thing you would want to do… Outside of giving anyone the impression that YOU are fit and healthy. Because after all, what does THAT conjure up?

They’d probably think you’re an obsessive wacko who only drinks wheatgrass, attends Zumba classes three times a day, has time for no one, and misses out on LIFE.

And who wants that?

Me? I love giving into what is easier for others to handle. It’s so much easier. It’s MUCH easier to eat out, eat processed, eat what’s advertised, eat what’s on special, eat what everyone else is eating. It’s much easier to go along with everyone when they say that healthy people are missing out because it’s totally easier for me to disregard my health and statistics and the mirror.

The mirror! It’s SO much easier and less time consuming to just not have one!

EASY to simply not go out, not buy new clothes, not go swimming or play with my kids, not go travelling, not have energy, not have to learn to COOK.

It’s super easy to be unhappy with my body.

It’s super easy to feel uncomfortable and unconfident.

It’s a total breeze to not follow my instincts, my heart, or what I know my soul is craving.

It’s easy because the last thing I want to do is offend the person who offered me the food or give anyone the impression that my choices are better.

It’s easy because I never want to offend anyone for just being me.




The only thing crazier than that is Donald Trump getting elected. 

Who the heck is it that you care about offending SO much that you will allow yourself to FAIL at their expense? Are they even considering YOU at all? Is this a real situation or one that you are making up in your head – because when you go out to parties and events and get togethers – people aren’t buying organic for the crowds. They are not considering that their menus are contributing to obesity and diabetes, they ARE considering that it is CHEAP. If you go out to a restaurant – if someone is offended by you eating fish and vegetables they can honestly suck it. Why do you have to pander to someone else’s ‘STUFF’?

Wouldn’t you agree that if you saw someone else doing this – you’d likely say, “Hey, it’s ok, you don’t have to eat that.” I mean.. wouldn’t you?

Because here is the thing. If you constantly judge a fit woman negatively – by this I mean you think she’s crazy, missing out, obsessed with her weight, only eats rice cakes etc – you’ll never become fit. YOU’LL NEVER BECOME FIT. You’ll never want yourself to BE that negative image.


  1. She’s crazy: If she is in fact crazy – then FRIGGING GOOD. We should be WILD about what we want – there’s no point in doing something half-assed. You should be AGGRESSIVE about it – because if you don’t tell people what you want and why you want it – they can’t read your mind! You must be unapologetic for what you want. This isn’t rude, demeaning, offensive, or otherwise. It’s your birthright to want to live an exceptional life and to stand up for that. You should be CRAZY for your life, your health, your energy, your mood, and your ability to move with strength and grace. BE CRAZY. That’s a million time better than kneeling down.

2. She’s missing out: My only question here, is on WHAT? I have been eating “clean” and working out (in a go-to-the-gym sense) for fifteen years. And I can tell you with 100% confidence that when I look back when I’m 90 and zip lining in Bali (or whatever) I am sure as hell not going to say, “Damn, I really should’ve sat on the couch more. I really should’ve ate more chips and m&ms so I could’ve died from complications due to obesity or chemicals and colourants in my food. I really should have made every single event in my life about stuffing my face instead of looking into my loved ones eyes and truly experiencing the moment with them.” I mean REALLY. What is she missing out on? She is strong enough to do anything and go anywhere. She has enough energy to push through anything life hands her. She preventing disease to the best of her abilities. She is happy and confident and smiling and willing to LIVE. So what is she missing out on?

3. She’s obsessed with her weight: Is she any more obsessed with her weight then the woman who is de-conditioned, unhealthy, unhappy, and stuck? If anything, I think she thinks about it less. Yes, some fit woman have goals they want to reach and they pay attention to this daily – because this is the only way ANY goal is reached in life. But she is taking action, she is moving forward, she is learning about her body and the power it holds. She is not starving, she is not weak, and she is not apologizing to those who are not ready to find their inner athletes just yet. She’s obsessed with being able to play with her kids, obsessed with feeling comfortable in her body when she socializes, obsessed with crushing personal bests and forging new goals, obsessed with getting to live life the way we are meant to.. instead of dreaming about it from under layers of denial and judgment.

4. She only eats Rice Cakes: May I say I don’t think I’ve eaten a rice cake since the early 2000s. Possibly a Crispy Minis once just because I hadn’t had one in, well.. 15 years. If you don’t want to learn about how to nourish your body properly and you have a mental block about healthy eating, that’s on YOU. There is no shortage of research and information about how to eat for your body type, your activity level, and your goals. To think that someone who is healthy is only eating one product that was grossly marketed 15 years ago as a health food is more of an indicator of where YOU are at in your life then where she is at and what she is eating. Chances are she’s experimenting, enjoying, and reaping benefit from a wide variety of foods you’ve likely never heard of.

Hey fit girl!

We don’t need to sit back and be trampled on. If you are FIT (or are trying your best to get there – you are still fit in my books!) then SHINE woman. No one is thinking twice about if they are offending YOU. It’s perfectly OK that healthy is your NORMAL. If that’s what being a fit woman is – sign me up! It’s in fact shocking that it is not ok that “healthy” isn’t MORE normal for everyone else! Be a freaking BEACON. Let everyone know what you stand for. Be unapologetic. DO NOT look back and WISH you could tell your younger self to have followed her gut.


You are right.

You are making the right choices.

You have absolute permission.

You are not hurting anyone by living your exceptional life, but instead are giving more to this world than you know.

And we need you. We need you to make this strong, conscious, empowered normal – OUR normal – the NEW NORMAL.

Live as the example. And never, never apologize for it.

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